The website is owned by Pico Formoso – Alojamentos Turísticos, Lda, Tax Number 513212450, registered address Canada das Vinhas, S/N, S. Roque do Pico (hereinafter referred to as “Pico Formoso”), which has drafted this Privacy Policy.

Pico Formoso is committed to ensuring the privacy and protection of the personal data of its customers and visitors, complying with all legal and regulatory standards in force, including the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated April 27, 2016, and other applicable legislation.

Pico Formoso manages rural lodging units and its website collects personal data through these forms:

– Contact

– Newsletter subscription

– Availability check

These forms require access to personal data, such as the users’ name, email and phone number, which are only used for processing their requests and for collecting general statistics on website traffic. Users assure the veracity of the personal data they enter.

The personal data that Pico Formoso collects are not made available to third parties and will be preserved for the time necessary to comply with all legal obligations and their guarantees. However, with your consent to this Privacy Policy, Pico Formoso may make some of your data available to other companies that provide services and supply goods, as well as to the authorities for the purpose of criminal proceedings.

Pico Formoso is not responsible for the processing of data of third-party websites.



This website uses cookies to ensure its proper operation and improve performance and user experience.

Pico Formoso’s website uses:


Analytical cookies: to generate and analyze statistics.

Functionality cookies: to save the website preferences of a given user.

Third-party cookies: created by third party services, such as Google, Youtube, Facebook, among others.


You have the ability to accept or reject cookies. If you reject them, your experience when visiting our site may not be as functional and interactive as it would otherwise be.


Social Networks

You can access Pico Formoso’s social networks from our website. We are not responsible for their privacy and cookie policies, nor for their data processing once you connect to them. We recommend reading the terms of use and privacy policies of these social networks.

For any questions, please contact Pico Formoso at


Prepared by Pico Formoso in March 2022.

This policy will be updated periodically